Tuesday, January 12, 2010

[Announcement] SLEU OOP Tutorials !!

To all my tutees for OOP, there will be NO CLASS during these dates:

1. 13 /1/10 (Wed)
2. 14/1/10 (Thu)
4. 19/1/10 (Tue)
5. 20/1/10 (Wed)

But, the class will be AVAILABLE ON :

1. 15/1/10 (Fri) 5-7pm at SLEU Room 5 [Quiz + Discussion]
2. 21/1/10 (Thu) 2-7pm at SLEU Room 5 [Past Paper]

Please take note and let others know. TQ

C++ Demonstration @SLEU


On 18/1/10 (Mon), there will be simple C++ programming Demonstration using Dev C++ and Microsoft Visual C++. (How to make header and source file in a project file)

You can come either of these time/session:

1. Session 1 : 4-5pm
2. Session 2: 5-6pm
3. Session 3: 6-7pm

Tutees from other sections are welcomed. (Qazi's & Syafiq's Tutees)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Planner- Plan as you go...

I've uploaded this 2010 planner to share with all of you ~

It contains all the Malaysia's Public Holidays plus IIUM Academic calendar for Sem 2 09/10 and Sem 3 09/10.

Feel free to download and share with others. Click the link below to download :

1. AcademicCalendar_2010_IIUM.doc (you can edit and make it as your own)

2.2010_Planner.pdf (ready to print)

"With great plans, comes great responsibilities.." ~^_^